A persistent low-pressure centre over Hudson Bay will continue to bring cool nights and mild, but not hot, summer days to Winnipeg as it blocks the jet stream from pushing northwards into the southern Prairies.

23°C / 13°C
Partly cloudy with a slight chance of late-day showers.

22°C / 12°C
Partly cloudy with a tiny chance of late-day showers.

22°C / 10°C
Partly cloudy.
The next few days will see very little variation as cooler air ever so slowly slumps southwards into the Southern Prairies. We’ll see a chance of late-day showers in the Red River Valley today and tomorrow, however the chance is pretty minuscule and by no means will the showers be widespread. Temperatures will climb into the low 20’s for highs and start around 13°C for overnight lows and drop towards the 10°C mark by the end of the week. By friday the chance for showers drops off and we’ll likely just see a few clouds in the afternoon.
No Heat on the Horizon
Looking ahead to the long-range it doesn’t appear we’ll see any hot summer weather headed our way for the next 7–10 days. The low that’s keeping us cool is going to stick around for a couple days before backing up to the west, grabbing another batch of cool Arctic air and then diving southwards towards Southern Manitoba…at least, that’s how it looks now. It seems somewhat reasonable as most models have locked into a fairly consistent west-coast ridge and mid-continental toughing pattern for the next while.
Personally, I love the warm but not hot days and cool nights, although given our long-delayed spring, I’m not going to complain if nature can throw another blast of hot and humid weather our way again.