We’ll stay the course with cool, benign weather through the remainder of the week as weather systems stay well to our north and south.

1°C / -8°C
Cool; mixed skies.

1°C / -7°C
Mainly sunny.

1°C / -5°C
Cloudy; chance of snow in the afternoon.
Today and tomorrow with both bring a high near 1°C, albeit with mixed skies today and mainly sunny skies tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow will both drop down into the low minus single digits.
Friday will bring the next chance for snow to our area as a low pressure system pushes across the Southern Prairies. Skies will cloud up early in the morning and temperatures will climb to 1 or 2°C. By the afternoon, the chance for some light snow will push into Winnipeg and the Red River Valley. The chance for light snow looks to last through Friday night and into Saturday morning, perhaps even into Saturday afternoon. The snow potential for Friday and Friday night looks the best with the chance for some stronger bands, while on Saturday it seems like there’s just a slight risk for some light flurry activity. That being said, it still only looks like perhaps a cm or two at most would fall over the region, if any at all.
The main uncertainty with the snow for Friday centres around the fact that as the system approaches Southern Manitoba, a second low is forecast to develop through the Dakotas which will consolidate the heavier snow down towards it. At this point, it looks like the heaviest snowfall (perhaps as much as 1-1.5 inches) will fall through North Dakota. If the Dakota low ends up tracking a little further north, it’s possible that we’ll see some accumulating snowfall in areas close to the US border. We’ll keep an eye on this system and have an in depth look in Friday’s post.
After that things look like we’ll be settling back into a benign pattern with little activity expected until mid-week and cool temperatures with highs near 0°C.