Warmer Weather Returns to Winnipeg

Winnipeg has climbed out of the cold snap that brought bitter cold to the region last week and will see seasonably mild weather through the weekend.

RDPS 2m Temperature Forecast valid 21Z Friday March 3, 2023
Warmer weather will spread across southern Manitoba today.

A warm front that passed through overnight has pushed temperatures above -10 °C and it will continue to climb through the day today. A trough moving through this morning will shift winds westerly, helping push the daytime high to near the freezing mark this afternoon. All this will happen under partly cloudy skies.

Temperatures will dip down to around the -10 °C mark tonight with partly cloudy skies. The weekend will continue to bring warmth to the region with a high near the freezing mark on Saturday and a couple degrees cooler on Sunday. Winnipeg will likely see partly cloudy skies on Saturday give way to cloudy conditions for Sunday.

No notable snowfall is expected through the weekend, and lows will continue to sit near the -10 °C mark.

Long Range Outlook

A cold front will push through early Monday, ushering in stronger north winds. This will bring cooler temperatures into the region with highs dipping towards -10 °C by Tuesday. Northerly winds will continue into mid-week with highs in the -10 to -5 °C range and overnight lows in the -15 to -20 °C range.

Today’s seasonal daytime high in Winnipeg is -5 °C while the seasonal overnight low is -15 °C.

Quiet Seasonal Conditions Ahead

Benign, near-seasonal conditions will stick around for Winnipeg this week. The weekend looks to bring warmer weather back to the region.

RDPS 2m Temperature Forecast valid 21Z Thursday March 2, 2023
A push of warmer air will begin to move into Manitoba later Thursday.

Winnipeg will see quiet weather for most of the week as an Arctic high builds into the region. This one won’t be too bad, only sending daytime highs down to the -10 to -15 °C range for Wednesday. Overnight lows the next couple nights will dip down into the -20 to -25 °C range.

On Thursday, a stiff southerly wind will develop as the high departs the region. Winds will strengthen up to around 40 gusting 60 km/h with the morning chill breaking through the day. Temperatures should climb to a  high in the -5 to -10 °C range.

On Thursday night, a push of much warmer air will continue moving into Manitoba. The cloud cover will thicken up on Thursday night, keeping lows warmer near -10 °C.

On Friday, the warmer temperatures will climb to a high near the freezing mark with a chance of afternoon flurries.

Long Range Outlook

The warmer weather will persist through the weekend with highs in the -5 to 0 °C range. The region will see variable cloudiness with a bit more sun likely on Saturday and a bit more cloud on Sunday. Quiet, mild weather will continue for Monday, then a disturbance moving into the region could bring a chance for some light snow later on Tuesday into Wednesday.

Today’s seasonal daytime high in Winnipeg is -5 °C while the seasonal overnight low is -16 °C.

Arctic Blast Brings Bitterly Cold February Temperatures

The Polar Vortex has dropped southwards out of the High Arctic, once again bringing a surge of bitterly cold temperatures to the Canadian Prairies.

The Polar Vortex has dropped southwards out of the High Arctic, once again bringing a surge of bitterly cold temperatures to the Canadian Prairies.

Temperatures falling into the minus 30s on Wednesday night will combine with light winds to produce wind chill values of -40 or colder across many parts of the southern Prairies on Wednesday morning.

Temperatures will plummet well below seasonal values in Winnipeg this week as cold air from the Polar Vortex spills into the region. Daytime highs will sit several degrees below the seasonal overnight lows through the rest of the work week. A high near -20 °C today will fall into the mid-minus 20s on Wednesday, then gradually recover back towards -20 °C again through Thursday and Friday.

This cold air will be represented at the surface by a potent Arctic High that extends from Yukon Territory southeastwards into the Prairies before turning east through NW Ontario. This feature will also send overnight lows tanking, dipping into the -25 to -30 °C range most nights, with a chance for a couple lows below -30. 

The bitterly cold temperatures combined with light winds will likely result in extreme cold warnings at times over the coming days.

That cold will bring plenty of sunshine to the region. The one exception will be on Thursday when a passing low in the United States spreads some cloud across the region. The cold air over southern Manitoba should keep any snow south of the border, though. The sun will return on Friday.

Long Range Outlook

Fortunately, the batter cold won’t likely stick around for very long. By the weekend, a series of potent low pressure systems moving through the Atlantic will help dislodge the Polar Vortex and pull it eastwards. This will allow a more westerly flow to develop over the Prairies and bring warmer weather back to the region.

This will bring mixed skies to the region as temperatures gradually warm with near-seasonal temperatures back in the region by Sunday.

Next week will bring variable cloudiness to the city with a couple chances of some light snow and mild temperatures.

Today’s seasonal daytime high in Winnipeg is -7 °C while the seasonal overnight low is -17 °C.

Milder Weather Returns for the Weekend

Winnipeg will see milder weather return today and near-seasonal conditions this weekend. Conditions will turn next week, though, as bitterly cold Arctic air descends into the Prairies.

RDPS Forecast 2m Temperature valid 21Z Friday February 17, 2022
Relatively mild conditions will move into the Red River Valley today with daytime highs near the freezing mark.

A low pressure system crossing the northern Prairies has brought a stiff southerly wind and warming temperatures to southern Manitoba today. With southerlies up near 40 gusting 60 km/h, temperatures rose through the night and will continue through the morning. The city should see a high near the freezing mark this afternoon as winds ease and turn westerly-northwest.

The region will see mixed skies today and there’s a slight chance of some light snow. Most of the precipitation will likely stay well north of Winnipeg, but some scattered areas of light snow might hang on along the trough as it moves through. Even if any precipitation does make it into the Red River Valley, no notable accumulation is likely.

A lingering chance of flurries will linger into the night as temperatures dip into the -10 to -15 °C range. The cloud cover should break up a bit overnight with easing winds.

On Saturday, more cloud will move back into the region as another weak low pushes into the region. There will be a slight chance of flurries through the day as temperatures rebound back to a high near -5 °C.

A band of light snow will likely work its way across the region on Saturday evening as a cold front sweeps into the region. A couple centimetres is possible as northerly winds pick up through the night. Temperatures will dip into the -10 to -15 °C range by Sunday morning.

To wrap out the weekend, northerly winds will continue as colder air pushes into the region. Some sun should reappear on Sunday with a below-seasonal high near -12 °C or so. More cloud will push into the region on Sunday night as another low approaches the region. Temperatures will be a bit cooler, though, with a low near -20 °C. Some light snow will push towards the region for Monday morning.

Long Range Outlook

Winnipeg will likely see some light snow to start off next week. The high temperature will climb back to around -10 °C, but a cold front sweeping through later in the day will usher in northerly winds that bring a substantial change to the region.

Skies will clear as the system leaves on Monday night, and much colder weather will move into the region in its wake. Lows will dip into the -25 to -30 °C on Monday night. Heading into the rest of the week, daytime highs will drop to close to -20 °C with some -30 °C lows possible much of the week. 

Temperatures will begin to moderate slightly on Friday, with a more marked push towards seasonal values beginning next weekend.

Today’s seasonal daytime high in Winnipeg is -8 °C while the seasonal overnight low is -18 °C.