Elsewhere in Weather News: August 18th, 2012

A Look Worldwide into July, 2012

As reported on Friday, Winnipeg is shaping up to be one of the hottest years since record-keeping began 139 years ago, with July closing out as the 5th hottest month on record for the city. Wondering how the rest of the world faired this past month?

Interestingly, most of the Northern Hemisphere has also experienced extreme temperature anomalies this year. According to the National Climactic Data Center (NCDC), the Northern Hemisphere land surface temperatures this July were 1.19°C above the average, making July 2012 the warmest July in the Northern Hemisphere ever. This year has experienced no shortage of record breaking temps in the Northern Hemisphere – it is now the fourth month in a row that surface land temperature records in this hemisphere have been broken. Canada and the United States have contributed greatly to the record-shattering numbers these past four months but the heat wasn’t confined to North America. South-Eastern Europe has seen conditions almost identical to ours this summer – very dry with record-setting warmth; while Serbia and Bulgaria have been impacted with severe drought this growing season, resulting in severe crop losses. Bulgaria has lost around 10% of its wheat crops due to the sizzling heat, and their maize crops have decimated to the point whereby getting half their average crop will have to suffice. The only countries in the world to have shown significant temperatures below normal this July were Australia, Argentina and parts of the Antarctic.

Temperature anomalies July 2012

July temperature anomalies and circled, areas talked about in EIWN. (Source: NASA Earth Observatory)

Precipitation anomalies July 2012

Precipitation anomalies for July 2012 and circled in red is where severe drought is occurring in South-Eastern Europe. (Source: NCDC)

Arctic Melting

In some areas of the Arctic, July temperatures have exceeded 6°C above average. Arctic ice is continuing to melt at a disturbing rate. The expanse of the Arctic sea’s ice coverage is now at its lowest ever at this time of the year, having dropped even further than measurements from the record-setting year, 2007. In July, almost all of Greenland’s entire ice sheet experienced melting – a “rare event” as described by the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC). To put things into perspective, sea ice used to reach seven million square kilometers in the 1990s at their minimum, while it has only surpassed five million square kilometers once in the past six years (showing a 29% decrease of minimum sea ice extent in the last few decades). This has lead scientists, like Walt Meier, a scientist at NSIDC, to believe that sea ice could potentially be eliminated by the year 2030 if melting continues at this pace. If this does happen, the ice melt could trigger a domino effect: raising ocean levels, releasing methane from frozen soils, and so on.

Sea ice extent graph

Sea ice extent by year. (Source: NSIDC)

Cool Nights Ahead, Otherwise Seasonal

We’ll see fairly seasonal weather over the weekend with overnight lows that will start off cool but climb back towards normal as well.

700mb Temperatures for Saturday Morning

700mb temperatures from the GEM-REG for Saturday morning. A significant pool of cold air remains entrenched over NW Ontario, while warm air builds over Alberta and struggles to push eastwards.

After quite a chilly evening last night, temperatures will climb nicely today towards a high of about 25°C. We’ll see mainly sunny skies today and clear skies tonight as we head down to a low of around 8°C. Tomorrow morning we’ll see some cloud as a weak disturbance travels south through the Interlake with a slight chance of a shower before things clear out midday and we’re left with sunny skies and a high a little cooler near 23°C as more cool air filters down behind the morning’s system. The weekend will close out with another sunny day with a high climbing a little bit higher into the mid-to-upper 20’s.

The next chance of precipitation looks to possibly be on Tuesday morning, however the risk is marginal and currently looks like the system will remain to the north of the Red River Valley.

2012 One of the Hottest Years on Record

We covered just how warm July 2012 was a couple posts ago, but what’s shaping up to be an even bigger story is just how hot 2012 as a year is. Last week, Jeff Masters covered how 2012 is shaping up to be the hottest year ever in the contiguous United States and included an image from NOAA that showed average yearly temperatures through the climate record, highlighting the top 5 and coldest 5 years on record:

Year-to-Date Temperature Anomolies for Contiguous U.S.

Year-to-date temperature anomaly, by month, for 2012 (red) compared to the other 117 years on record for the contiguous U.S., with the five warmest years (orange) and five coldest years (blue) noted.

With plenty of warm records having been broken over the past year, and the fact that we’re going on 13 consecutive months with above-normal temperatures, I thought it would be interesting to see what such a chart looks like for Winnipeg.


First I calculated the monthly mean temperatures for the entire climate archive for Winnipeg, which covers March 1872 – July 2012. I then calculated year-to-date normal temperatures for each month from 1901 to 2010 to use as a “20th Century Average”. For example, March’s YTD average was calculated simply by:

    March Average = AVERAGE(JAN Average + FEB Average + MAR Average)

To calculate the temperature anomolies, I did a similar process on the monthly mean temperatures for each year, calcluating a YTD value for each month, then simply subtracted that from the associated month’s 20th century average. This process produces the signature tapered look on the above chart, where the large variability from year-to-year evident in January smooths out to nice, clean lines by the end of the year.


The results for Winnipeg are startlingly similar to the United States:

Year-to-Date Temperature Anomolies for Winnipeg, MB

Year-to-date temperature anomaly, by month, for 2012 (red) compared to the other 139 years on record for Winnipeg, MB, with the five warmest years (orange) and five coldest years (blue) noted.

It’s quickly evident that 2012 is on track to end as one of the warmest years on record. The current top 5 warmest years are:

Rank Year Year-End Temperature
1 1987 +2.93°C
2 1931 +2.80°C
3 1878 +2.20°C
4 1998 +2.14°C
5 2006 +2.00°C

This year’s current YTD temperature anomaly is sitting at +3.13°C. This beats out 1987’s year-end anomaly of +2.93°C, however is less than the value calculated at the same time of year (July), which was +4.02°C. We’ve started August off right near-normal, however ensemble outlooks have us returning to slightly above-normal temperatures fairly soon.

Cool Blast Across Manitoba

A powerful low pressure system moving through the Interlake will bring significantly cooler weather to Manitoba over the next couple days. Read on to find out where the rain will be and how cool it’s going to get.

GFS Forecast for this evening

GFS 850*mb* temperature forecast for this evening. I’ve drawn on the strong high over the Western Prairies that is helping our low pressure system pull down cool Arctic air. Cold front and warm fronts have been drawn in blue and red, respectively.

As the low pressure system passes to our north today, it will drag a cold front through the Red River Valley over the course of the afternoon. Preceding this front will be an area of rain, and while a majority of the thunderstorm activity will be through the Interlake, closer to the low, there will likely be some isolated embedded thunderstorms through the Red River Valley.

Accumulations will generally be higher the further north from the international border you go; while up to 25-50mm will likely fall through the Interlake, only 2-5mm are expected over the southern RRV. Any location in the RRV that sees a thunderstorm could easily receive between 0.5 to 1” of rain. Here in Winnipeg, we’ll probably see between 5-10mm with some locally higher amounts if a thunderstorm rolls through by the end of the day.

On the backside of this system a strong northerly wind at all levels will drag down the most potent shot of cool, Arctic air we’ve seen in quite a while. While winds will be out of the south in the morning, gusty northerly winds will kick in quickly behind the cold front, with sustained speeds between 40-50km/h and gusts as high as 60-70km/h. 850mb temperatures approaching 0°C will push down into the Interlake region tonight. This will bring with it the chance for the first significant lake-effect shower event of the “fall”1 season. When looking for the generation of lake-effect showers, there’s a few things to look for:

  1. A temperature difference from the surface to 850mb of at least 13°C.
  2. Less than 60° of wind shear between the boundary layer and 700mb; preferably less than 30°.
  3. At least 100km of fetch which the air travels over open water.

Given that lake temperatures are still sitting at 22-24°C, we’ll certainly see plenty of clouds develop and move south off the lakes. Whether or not lake-effect showers develop will depend precisely on the winds, but it looks fairly favourable right now with winds forecast to be from the NW with minimal directional shear. We’ll likely see some streamers develop overnight, providing showers or drizzle to communities in lee of the lakes. Current forecasts put these narrow bands of precipitation between Portage & Winnipeg and just east of Winnipeg, but we’ll have to see what the actual wind direction ends up being as to where they’ll go. Right now it looks like there won’t be enough of a westerly component to the wind to bring them into Winnipeg.

If the surface winds end up too westerly, or the 850mb temperatures don’t cool off quite as much as forecast, then no streamers will form. It will be interesting to see what happens!

In the end, it could certainly be worse than it’s going to be. The coldest air will be over us during the overnight period, and we’ll likely have cloud cover as well which will help keep things a little warmer. By the time Thursday afternoon rolls around, the cold air will already be exiting the region, so we won’t end up dealing with temperatures quite as cool as many other areas across the Prairies will.

  1. It’s not fall yet! 

Change Is Coming

This week will start out with more of the same normalish weather we’ve had for the past week or so…but it looks like a change in the pattern is coming…

A cold front will swing through Manitoba on Wednesday

A strong cold front (blue line) will swing through Manitoba on Wednesday ushering in cooler weather

Temperatures on Monday and Tuesday are expected to be around normal (or slightly below), with highs in the low to mid twenties expected. Our normal high for this time of year is 25C. We will be under a surface ridge of high pressure during this time period so rain appears unlikely.

A change in our weather is in store around midweek. It appears that a major cold front will swing through Southern Manitoba at some point on Wednsday. Models disagree with the timing of the cold front, but it looks most probably that the front will enter Western Manitoba sometime early Wednesday morning and be out of the province by Wednesday afternoon or evening. Regardless of the exact timing it looks like Wednesday will be a chillier day, with highs struggling to reach 20C and rain being likely. As we move closer to Wednesday the details of the frontal passage should be better known.

After the cold front passes through on Wednesday we’ll be in for a couple of cooler days with temperatures only in the upper teens or lower twenties for Thursday and Friday. Beyond this work-week there is some uncertainty in terms of what will happen next. Many models portray us sticking with more normal weather through the remainder of August, while others show us warming up again. As always, time will tell which forecast is correct!