Powerful Colorado Low to Bring A Blizzard to Southern Manitoba

An intense Colorado Low, coupled with a strong surge of bitterly cold Arctic air, will plunge Southern Manitoba back into the deep freeze and bring heavy snow and white-out conditions to the Red River Valley, including Winnipeg.

Surface Analysis of Southern Manitoba

Surface analysis of Southern Manitoba valid 6:45AM today. A strong warm front is draped over the SE corner of the province, with temperatures near 0°C & light winds in the warm sector. To the west of the warm front, strong winds are already in place through the Red River Valley and temperatures have dropped close to the –10°C mark.

A very energetic upper-level trough that has been anchored over the Rocky Mountains has finally begun it’s eastwards trek, which will spawn a Colorado Low later today set to track through Minnesota. The graphic above shows the expected low tracks from North American Ensemble Forecast System, and it’s quite easy to see that there’s fairly strong agreement to the track of the low through Minnesota. This is significant because with strong Colorado Low systems, the heaviest snowfall falls in a fairly tight band to the northwest of the low track, and a minor shift in the track can result in a significant change in snowfall accumulations for any one location. As things stand, it looks that the Red River Valley and southeastern Manitoba will be under fire for the heaviest snow accumulations from this system.

Freezing precipitation potential for today

Freezing precipitation potential for the daytime today.

We’ll be starting the day with patchy freezing drizzle and snow through the Red River Valley, with the risk of freezing rain for regions east of the Red River. Periods of light snow will slowly intensify through the day today across southern Manitoba (although it could be falling as freezing rain for areas east of the Red River) as the system begins to move off the Rocky Mountains in the United States. As the Colorado Low becomes better formed by this evening, snow will really begin to pick up across the whole of Southern Manitoba. Winds will start off around 40km/h with gusts to 60km/h and pick up to 50 gusting 70 or 80km/h by the evening. Blowing snow will become widespread across the Red River Valley this afternoon and become a significant travel hazard this evening. Total snowfall accumulations today should sit at 5–10cm for most places, with the potential for higher amounts in upslope areas near Dauphin. If freezing rain does materialize in the mentioned areas, up to 1–2mm of it may fall.

Temperatures will sit just around the 0°C mark over the SE portion of the province this morning, with cooler temperatures to the west in the Red River Valley. Cooler air will work it’s way in from the NW through the day, with temperatures slowly dropping to the –10 to –16°C by the evening.

Blizzard warnings are issued by Environment Canada for storms that will bring at least 4 consecutive hours of visibilities of 1/4 mile (400 metres) or less in snow and/or blowing snow, along with sustained winds of 40 km/h or more. Specific thresholds of snowfall are not required for blizzard warnings, as they are based on visibility criteria, not snowfall amounts.

The strongest portion of this system will pass through tonight. Heavy snowfall combined with strong winds will produce blizzard conditions through the Red River Valley. Inside the city of Winnipeg, buildings should provide enough shelter to keep visibilities higher, but open areas and the Perimeter Highway will be pummelled with near-zero visibilities. White-out conditions will exist across many highways in Southern Manitoba tonight, especially any west-east running roads. It’s also probable that the Trans-Canada Highway may be closed this evening. In addition to the poor visibilities, many highways will be extremely slippery as fresh snow and blowing snow polish a newly-frozen road top. It’s highly recommended that you avoid any travelling tonight. If you have absolutely no choice, ensure that your vehicle has a winter survival kit and be sure to check the most recent highway conditions. Generally another 10–20cm of snow will fall across Southern Manitoba tonight with overnight lows between –15°C and –18°C.

Total Accumulated Snowfall by Saturday Morning

Our forecast of total accumulated snowfall from this system by Saturday morning.

Saturday morning will likely bring full out blizzard conditions through the Red River Valley with the strong northerly winds still in place. Snow will taper off and the winds will calm down through midday Saturday as the Colorado Low pulls off towards James Bay. Total snowfall amounts across Southern Manitoba should end up in the 10–20cm range, however there may be two areas with high uncertainty that could end up with 20–30cm of snow:

  1. The western escarpment of the Red River Valley, roughly from Portage la Prairie northwards to Dauphin. The strong N/NW winds will provide upslope enhancement to this region which should elevate snowfall amounts over the surrounding regions.
  2. The Red River Valley (including Winnipeg). This is the most difficult part of the forecast; models have been up and down with their forecast snowfall amounts with some producing as little as 10cm and others producing as much as 26–28cm. This will depend on the exact track and timing of this system, coupled with moisture supply. I’ve gone for 15–20cm for the most likely snow accumulation for most of the Red River Valley; but I can’t rule out the possibility of accumulations closer to 25cm for some places.

This system will be the strongest winter storm we’ve seen this season. Once again, to reiterate, the main points of this system are:

  • Strongest part of the system will pass through Southern Manitoba tonight.
  • Strong winds gusting as high as 80km/h will produce widespread blowing snow giving near-zero visibilities through nearly the entirety of Southern Manitoba.
  • Heavy snowfall giving storm-total accumulations from 10–25cm.
  • Extremely treacherous driving conditions produced by heavy snow, icy roads, and near-zero visibilities in snow/blowing snow. Road closures are likely.

Conditions should be significantly improved by Saturday evening with calm winds and clear skies as the Arctic ridge moves into our region. Temperatures will remain steady around –18 or –19°C for Winnipeg & the Red River Valley.

Sunday will bring sunny skies with a very cold daytime high of only –22 or –23°C. Winds will remain light, keeping wind chill values minimized.

We’ll post updates in the comments below. Feel free to leave comments letting everyone know what you’re seeing in your neck of the woods and/or how much snow you get!

Freezing Rain to Mark Return of Colder Weather

Our wild weather will continue as another low pressure system tracking through the northern Prairies will bring with it mild temperatures and the probable risk for freezing rain over the Red River Valley, including Winnipeg.

Sounding for Winnipeg @ 5:00PM Local Time

Sounding for Winnipeg at 5:00PM local time. Note the significant AFL shaded in red.

Warm air will be pumped over the Red River Valley today as strong southerly winds develop ahead of a major low pressure system set to bring heavy snowfall to the northern reaches of Manitoba. 850mb temperatures will climb to nearly +5°C today, providing an ample AFL[1]. The bulk of the precipitation with this system will be constrained to central and northern Manitoba, where anywhere from 5–20cm of snow are expected. Regions that were hit hard Monday will mostly be spared as the heaviest snow will fall further north than Monday’s system.

We’ll have breezy southerly winds in the Red River Valley today at around 40km/h with gusts to 60km/h with temperatures climbing all the way up towards –1°C by the late afternoon/early evening. As the warm front approaches the RRV in the late afternoon, it looks that an area of showers will blossom along it. There’s still some uncertainty in exactly where the precipitation will be and how quickly it will develop, but it looks probable that areas in the Red River Valley north of Morris will see freezing rain late this afternoon. Areas south of Morris have a very real chance as well, however there’s a little more uncertainty in how far south the band of showers will stretch.

We aren’t expecting huge amounts of freezing rain this afternoon; the quick-moving nature of this system will mean that even if the rain is intense, it’s likely that we’ll only 1–2mm of it. Keep in mind, though, that while 1–2mm isn’t a very significant amount for regular rainfall, it is a significant amount of freezing rain. It’s likely that the freezing rain will fall during the rush-hour period in Winnipeg and quickly turn roads into slick little skating rinks fairly quickly. If you drive to work, especially into or through the downtown core of Winnipeg, expect a slow commute this evening.

Skies will clear overnight as a weak cold front pushes across the RRV and Thursday will bring mainly sunny skies with temperatures falling through the day to –8°C by evening.. Winds will be breezy from the NW at about 30km/h before letting up in the afternoon. Another arctic ridge will push into Southern Manitoba, bringing another shot of cold weather with it. Temperatures will dip all the way to around –20°C on Thursday night and only recover to around –15°C on Friday.

Temperatures will level out a bit for the weekend with highs near –10°C for Saturday & Sunday, but it looks that a weak storm track will move over us, bringing cloudy skies and plenty of chances for light snow. We’ll have more on this weekend’s weather on Friday morning.

Northern Manitoba Communities Buried Under Massive Snowfall

An incredibly powerful low pressure system tracking through Northern Manitoba on Monday brought a nearly unprecedented snowfall event to many communities. Hardest hit were Norway House and Gods Lake Narrows[2] where over 2 feet of snow fell. Environment Canada sent out a brief summary yesterday on the event:

A major winter storm moved across Central Manitoba on Monday, bringing with it some very heavy snowfalls. The heaviest band fell from the Norway House area east to the Ontario border, with numerous public reports of knee- to waist-deep snow accompanied by drifting as high as two metres. Lesser but still significant amounts were received by the surrounding regions of Gillam, Grand Rapids, and The Pas.

Unofficial snowfall totals are as follows:

Location Snowfall
Norway House 60–90 cm
Gods Lake Narrows 60–90 cm
Island Lake 60 cm
Oxford House 45 cm
Cross Lake 30–40 cm
Gillam 35 cm
Grand rapids 30 cm
The Pas 30 cm
Mafeking 23 cm

While official snowfall records for northern Manitoba are hard to come by, it seems likely that these snowfalls are record-high snowfalls for a 24–36 hour period for Norway House, Gods Lake Narrows, and Island Lake. From what I could find, 1-day record-high snowfall totals in Northern Manitoba generally sit around the 40–50cm mark; these totals of 2–3 feet easily quash those records, and whether or not they end up as official “heaviest snowfall” records may come down to exactly how much fell in any given 24-hour period.

Norway House Snowfall Satellite Image

A visible composite satellite image from during Norway House/Island Lake snow storm.

The snowfall came from an extremely potent, moisture-laden low pressure system that managed to find the right combination of convective snowfall and duration. As shown in the satellite image above, a very strong moisture feed was evident as it surged northwards into the low pressure system rooted near The Pas. This system slowly tracked eastwards, producing heavy snow in the above localities for upwards of 18–24 hours.

A system like this is definitely an extremely uncommon one and is difficult to forecast due to the sparseness of surface observations and lack of RADAR imagery. It will likely be just now as this is published that some roads finally begin to be cleared and people are able to return to a more normal daily routine.

A further 5–10cm of snow is expected for the Norway House and Island Lake regions with the system passing through Manitoba today.

  1. Above Freezing Level  ↩
  2. Gods Lake Narrows is a small community north of Island Lake, MB.  ↩

A Return to Winter

Colder air is set to return by the end of the week as a low pressure system ushers in Arctic air as winds shift to the northwest behind it.

GFS Sounding for 06Z Thursday

A sounding for 06Z Thursday (midnight-ish tonight) from the GFS model depicting an above-freezing level.

Before the cold weather returns we’ll have one more pleasant day. Although skies will be cloudy today, we’ll see temperatures once again climbing above 0°C through the Red River Valley with a light southerly flow. Conditions will begin to degrade overnight as a low pressure system pushes into Southern Manitoba.

The first threat with this system will be the potential for freezing rain tonight. As the sounding1 above shows, an AFL (Above Freezing Level) with sub-zero surface temperatures will be in place through much of the overnight period before eroding early Thursday morning. The saving grace for the Red River Valley could be that most of the precipitation looks to push north of the valley through the Interlake. If, however, any precipitation manages to wander through the RRV overnight, then there’s certainly a decent chance it’ll fall as freezing rain. Cooler air begins pushing in at all levels early Thursday as we move to the back side of this system and winds switch to the northwest.

Winds will strengthen out of the northwest on Thursday to 40km/h with gusts towards 60km/h as a band of snow slumps southwards with the cold front. At this point, it looks like snow will push into the Red River Valley mid-morning and last until the early evening (6-8PM). Snowfall accumulations will likely be around 5cm. Temperatures will start near -5°C tomorrow morning and fall to -8 or -9°C by the evening. We’ll head to an overnight low of around -15°C tomorrow night.

Sunny skies should dominate Friday and Saturday with highs near -10°C. A weak disturbance looks to bring a chance of light snow to the Red River Valley again on Sunday.

  1. A “sounding” is a way of plotting how the temperature and dewpoint change with height. The sounding is for a single location and plots the temperature/dewpoint with height in pressure coordinates as the vertical axis. 

Small Disturbance Today; Significant Colorado Low This Weekend

There will be a very slight chance of showers today as a low pushes across the Interlake region, however the bigger news will be this weekend, when a powerful Colorado Low ushers in winter over Southern Manitoba.

The rough track of the upcoming Colorado Low

A satellite image showing the current position and estimated track of the Colorado Low that will impact Southern Manitoba this weekend.

A low pressure system track through the Interlake today will bring 10-15cm of snow through Central Manitoba, north of the track of the low. Through southern Manitoba, there will just be a slight chance of a shower through the afternoon and evening as most areas see a mainly cloudy day with a high near 3 or 4°C. There’s a slight chance to see some sun across many areas this morning, however the likelihood of fog development in any clear areas may mask the chance for sunshine.

Thursday will bring some sunshine and a windy morning, with winds gusting out of the N/NE to 30 or 40km/h behind the system, but should lighten into the afternoon. Temperatures will be cooler than late, with highs only around -1 or 0°C.

By Friday, we’ll begin to feel the impact of the Colorado Low. Winds will begin to pick up out of the northeast as snow begins pushing into SW Manitoba. Snow will make it’s way into the Red River Valley overnight, with steadier snow developing Saturday morning. Disagreement still exists amongst the model runs as to where the heaviest snowfall will be, however the NAEFS (North American Ensemble Forecast System) has been startling consistent over the past few days with painting the heaviest snowfall right over Winnipeg.

Probability of > 10cm of Snowfall

Probability of ≥ 10cm of snowfall from the NAEFS, valid from 12Z November 10th to 00Z November 11th (a 12hr. accumulation).

The NAEFS is showing significant confidence in areas in Southwest Manitoba (Melita, Pilot Mound, Virden and Brandon) regions seeing more than 10cm of snow, with a decent likelihood of people west of the Red River seeing ≥ 10cm as well. North of the Trans-Canada highway, it looks like from Portage to Winnipeg has a sizeable chance of seeing greater accumulations, as well as into the Southern Interlake.

Snow will taper off on Sunday, however significant accumulations will likely have developed in it’s wake. Current indications are that the SE corner of the Red River Valley will see the least snow, and accumulations will increase as you head west and north. In addition to the snow, gusty winds to 50 or 60km/h will push into the Red River Valley as well, producing widespread reductions in visibility due to falling and blowing snow. System-total precipitation looks to be 15-25mm, which when taking into account the expected SLR (snow-to-liquid ratio) of around 10:1, would result in a total of 15-25cm of snow. General estimates for accumulated snowfall by the end of the weekend for a few select sites are:

  • Winnipeg: 15-20cm
  • Steinbach: 10-20cm
  • Morden/Winkler: 15-25cm
  • Portage la Prairie: 15-25cm
  • Brandon: 10-20cm
  • Pilot Mound: 15-25cm
  • Sprague: 5-15cm
  • Victoria Beach: 10-20cm
  • Gimli: 10-15cm

We’ll have more updates on the track of this system as the week progresses. Monitor EC’s Weather Office site for forecasts and any watches or special weather statements as the week progresses. Although the exact timing and intensity of this system may be difficult to pin down, it’s a safe bet to say that driving conditions will likely be extremely poor with ice-covered roads and low visibilities in blowing snow. Conditions in North Dakota will also be quite poor as well this weekend. If you have plans to travel by car/truck this weekend, be sure that you’re prepared for the hazardous weather that will be present. Always carry a winter survival kit in your vehicle if you must travel during winter storms.