Wet & Windy Weather On The Way

Yesterday’s beautiful mid-October weather will be replaced in a hurry today and tomorrow, as a intense 985mb low pressure system brings unsettled weather into the Red River Valley with strong winds moving across the area as the low pushes eastwards.

RDPS 3hr. QPF for this afternoon.

3-hour accumulated precipitation for mid-afternoon from the RDPS. Precipitation will be oriented in a band NW-SE ahead of the main surface trough.

Cloudy skies will be dominant over the Red River Valley over the next couple days. While temperatures are fairly mild this morning, and of note is how high our dewpoint has climbed, we won’t gain too much temperature-wise through the day today. Showers will push into portions of the Red River Vally & SE Manitoba this morning, however it’s likely that precipitation will be sporadic for any one location through the day today with fairly minimal accumulations. Conditions don’t look too favourable for drizzle today; you generally want saturated low-levels of the atmosphere with a sharp contrast into dry air immediately above the cloud deck for drizzle generation. Today, we’ll actually have dryer low-levels with a fairly moist atmosphere above, so it’s more likely that any light precipitation would be somewhat-evaporated rain, not drizzle. Temperatures will climb to 12 or 13°C today.

A band of steady rain will begin to push into the Red River Valley this evening as an area of strong frontogenesis1 on the northwest side of the 850mb low orients itself over the region. The band of rain looks to be fairly narrow, and positioning of it will be very sensitive to the positioning of the 850mb low. All areas in the Red River Valley will see some periods of rain tonight, however any locations that end up under this sharp band of rain will likely see 5-10mm of rain. Amounts remain low, despite the strong forcing, as this system, while energetic, is relatively low in moisture. Precipitable water values look to be only in the 20-25mm range, instead of the closer to 40-50mm range we look for for higher-accumulation rainfall events.

Winds will pick up overnight into Thursday as the Red River Valley moves into a strong pressure gradient on Thursday. Winds will climb to 40-50km/h with gusts up to 60km/h. Showers will be widespread through the Valley as general “wraparound” precipitation moves in on the backside of this system. Total amounts for tomorrow will generally be 4-8mm across the Red River Valley. The rain and wind will taper off tomorrow night as the system moves off towards the Great Lakes. Temperatures will drop down to 6 or 7°C.

Friday will be a slow recovery day, as the clouds will begin to break up a bit through the day. With skies remaining fairly cloudy with only a few breaks for sunshine, temperatures will end up fairly steady through the day; likely only around 8°C. Looking ahead to the weekend, it looks to be a fairly seasonal weekend with a mix of sun and clouds and highs near the seasonal 10°C.

  1. From the AMS Glossary: In general, an increase in the horizontal gradient of an airmass property, principally density, and the development of the accompanying features of the wind field that typify a front. 

A Windy Day to Mark Arrival of Warmer Air

Winds will pick up today out of the south as warmer air finally begins to push it’s way into Southern Manitoba. By this afternoon, strong winds will be in place over the Red River Valley and temperatures will finally climb out of the single digits under an extensive cirrus cloud deck.

NAM Skew-T Log-P Digaram

NAM-based model Skew-T Log-P diagram for the central Red River Valley valid at 21Z this afternoon.

Winds will pick up by early this afternoon as a warm front pushes across Southern Manitoba. Sustained wind speeds will increase to 50-60km/h, with strong gusts on top of that; mostly around 70km/h, but the potential exists for gusts as high as 80-85km/h.

The picture above is a model-based skew-T log-P diagram which shows how temperature (red line) and moisture (green line) change with height in the atmosphere over a single location. Up the right-hand side of the chart are wind barbs, which represent the wind speed & direction at that height in knots. Each full tick mark is worth 10kt, a half tick mark is worth 5kt, and a filled triangle is worth 50kt. On the left hand side, the pressure is marked from 1000mb (the surface) to 100mb (about 16km off the surface). In the skew-t log-p diagram above, we can see a strong 20kt flow out of the south with an unstable layer from the surface to about 875mb. Within this unstable layer, near the inversion, winds increase to 45kt. Since it’s within mixing distance of the unstable layer, it’s entirely possible that those strong winds could be mixed down to the surface.

Temperatures will climb to about 10°C today, but with that strong wind it’s going to feel a little cool out there this afternoon. The winds will taper off this evening as things cool off, and then we’ll enter into a fairly pleasant weekend.

We’ll be under the influence of a weak low pressure system through the weekend, however unlike most systems, very little precipitation will occur near the system; instead most of the precipitation will be displaced northwards, into the high Interlake region, where frontogenetic forcing is stronger. What that means for us, fortunately, is that we’ll see relatively light winds through the weekend, a mix of sun and clouds and daytime highs in the low-to-mid teens. Overnight lows will be bumped up a little bit from the -3 to -5°C range to just at or above 0°C.

This weekend will be a pleasant break from the cold. Best to get out and enjoy it too; next week looks to bring multiple systems that could bring us some more rainy, windy weather.

Major Cool Down Begins

A significant change in the weather is underway today as Arctic air blasts southwards, pushing out the pleasant, above normal temperatures we’ve had lately and replacing it with cloudy, cool, windy weather. I hope you enjoyed the last few days, because you probably won’t enjoy the next few.

850mb Temperatures from the GFS

850mb temperatures valid this morning from the GFS model. Warm and cold fronts are depicted.

A cold front, tied to a powerful low pressure system moving through central Manitoba, swept across the Red River Valley overnight, ushering out the warmer temperatures aloft that have given us pleasant temperatures the past few days. In it’s wake is a dramatically different pattern than we’ve seen lately.

Upper troughing will dominate the Prairies as a secondary low, currently spinning up over Montana/Wyoming tracks eastwards and pulls more cold air southwards. This will establish us into a much cooler pattern where cooler, Arctic air is entrenched over the region and it’s significantly harder for us to get those nice warm breaks.

Today we’ll see winds begin to pick up out of the north as temperatures climb to only around 13°C. We’ll get cloudier as the day goes on, and by the late afternoon into the evening some showers will push into the southern regions of the Red River Valley. Further north, we’ll see a chance of showers, however it will be more difficult for any organized precipitation to develop over the northern Red River Valley.

As the aforementioned US low tracks through South Dakota, winds will shift to the north-northeast over the RRV, which when combined with the cooler air being dragged southwards, will bring lake-effect showers into the central Red River Valley. Current model solutions hint that Winnipeg may be in the path of these, however, as usual, the exact wind direction will be crucial in determining where the showers will fall. Temperatures will drop to around +3°C tonight.

Thursday will be a cool day, with northerly winds persisting, cloudy skies and a high of only 7 or 8°C. Lake effect showers will persist in the lee of the lakes, and scattered showers will likely be found throughout the entire Red River Valley. Cold air continues to pour southwards and we’ll drop to near 0°C. Precipitation is…complicated for Thursday night. The GEM-GLB & GFS models are forecasting only around 5mm of rain for Thursday evening over SE Manitoba, including the Steinbach region. Other models, such as the NAM, have a much worse forecast. The NAM spins up the low over the states into a very powerful storm system, which taps into some Gulf moisture over the east-central States and lifts it northwest and slams it into a deformation zone oriented north-south over the Red River Valley. In this outcome, 1-2 inches of precipitation is forecast to fall, some as rain, however much of it as snow. Should we believe the NAM, it would result in many communities east of the Red River waking to find over a foot of snow on the ground! Ensemble forecasts suggest that this is an outlier; most solutions favour a quicker track to the low with less precipitation over the Red River Valley. We’ll keep a close eye on this as it develops, but you should be prepared for the potential for poor travelling conditions on Friday.

Things calm down on Friday as this system leaves the region and we’ll be left with cloudy skies and a high around 10°C. Things look to improve a little bit for the weekend (e.g. we may see the sun), but temperatures will remain locked in the high single digits to low teens as cold, arctic air remains entrenched over the region.

Two More Nice Days

A couple more nice days are in store for the Red River Valley before a significant change in the weather occurs for the second half of the week.

850mb Temperatures valid Tuesday Morning

850mb temperatures valid Tuesday morning showing the baroclinic wave (warm and cold front) that will be tracking into Manitoba.

The Red River Valley will see a beautiful day today as temperatures climb to the 20C mark under sunny skies and light winds. A major low pressure system will begin to track across the Prairies on Tuesday, which will bring a major weather change to us, but not before we sneak one more nice day in. Temperatures will climb into the low 20’s on Tuesday with mainly sunny skies. Winds will increase out of the south to 40km/h with gusts near 60km/h in the morning, however they’ll let up in the afternoon as a weak trough passes through.

We’ll be under the influence of this major low pressure system for the second half of the week, which will bring cold, cloudy, very windy weather. We’ll have more details on what to expect bright and early on Wednesday morning. We’ll also have a complete summary of September’s weather within the next week. I hoped to have it ready for today, however circumstances have prevented me from being able to get it all together just yet.

Get out there and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!